5 Tips To Prepare Before Having LASIK
LASIK is a type of eye surgery used to correct refractive errors in the eye. A refractive error includes nearsightedness, astigmatism, and farsightedness. Once you’ve decided you want to have the procedure done, practical questions may crop up. It’s also normal to start feeling nervous about getting LASIK. How can you know if everything will […]
Why You Should Consider PRK If You Don’t Qualify For LASIK
LASIK is a popular refractive surgery used to correct refractive errors. These include farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism. But before LASIK, there was another procedure. This was a procedure known as PRK (Photo Refractive Keratectomy). PRK was FDA approved in 1996 as a safe and effective procedure to correct refractive errors. LASIK was approved three years […]
What Does The Visian ICL Do?
Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a common refractive error that affects distance vision. Individuals with myopia can see things that are close clearly, but things far away are blurry. Refractive surgeries have been the most effective methods used to correct nearsightedness. Refractive surgeries for myopia change the shape of the cornea. The Visian ICL (Implantable Collamer® […]
What’s The Average Age For Cataract Surgery?
Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world. This age-related eye disease causes clouding of the lens. When you have a cataract, it obscures vision and makes it harder to see. If you start showing symptoms of cataracts, there are things you can do. This can include wearing a stronger prescription, using more […]
Am I A Good LASIK Candidate?
Refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism affect millions of people worldwide. Refractive errors occur when the shape of your eye does not let light focus on the retina directly. These errors can be corrected with prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses. Another treatment option for refractive errors is surgery. Refractive surgery reduces or even eliminates […]